12. How Allergies Deflect Amino Acid Cascades

Wheat allergy and Meat allergy both cause a disruption in the methionine cascade.

Wheat and Meat are both high in the amino acid methionine. In the event of an emotional disconnection from either of these foods, methionine will be short-circuited at its first metabolic shift, from methionine to S-adenosyl methionine.

When that happens, the methyl groups become diverted from their expected tasks, and they are recruited into creating excessive met-enkephalin. Ordinarily methionine’s methyl groups would have been donated to healthy compounds required by the body. Now they will be in short supply. When the methyls are diverted in this way, various metabolic errors are inevitable.

The methionine utilization disorder that comes about as a result of wheat/meat allergy leaves a shortage of methyls that should be methylating other compounds, such as choline, norepinephrine, and betaine, and folate, among other things. The synthesis of many compounds depends upon methionine. Choline shortage can compromise the synthesis of lecithin, as well as the acetylcholine molecule, and the enzyme choline acetyltransferase. Acetylcholine shortage can show up as muscle weakness and memory impairment. A lecithin shortage might cause cholesterol to be in a higher ratio, so it might initiate gall-stones.

Diabetes is the classic result of a methionine disorder, since the met-enkephalin, as an opiate, is attracted to the opiate receptors in the beta cells, at first forcing out insulin, causing hypoglycemia, and later blocking it, causing diabetes. However diabetes  can also be produced by herbicides and pesticides, or even a viral infection affecting the beta cells. It is not invariably due to wheat/meat allergy.

One critical mineral shortage often leads to double-sulfide bonding errors, and that one is rubidium. If the insulin molecule can’t keep itself together with proper sulfide bonds, it falls apart. This creates a shortage of workable insulin, even when the number of molecules is accurate. Another factor is cellular receptor site resistance. If insulin can’t guide the glucose through the cell walls, then blood glucose accumulates, and this is called insulin resistance. Insulin resistance often accompanies late on-set diabetes. It can usually be resolved with the addition of two minerals, chromium and vanadium.

Later in the cascade, Soy Allergy enters into the Methionine sequence.

Even when the wheat allergy and the meat allergy are resolved, the methionine cascade may still be at risk in another area, farther down. When an enzyme disruption occurs between homocysteine and cystathionine, homocysteine builds up to toxic amounts. Soy allergy plays a significant role at this stage of the methionine cascade.

Soy Allergy creates a threonine utilization disorder, by altering the enzyme that would have allowed threonine to synthesize glycine and serine. A threonine utilization disorder, causing a shortage of serine, enters into the methionine cascade at the moment that serine should be present to shift homocysteine to the next compound, cystathionine.

Following that, without serine and phosphorylated B6 to catalyze that specific shift, the rest of the methionine cascade can not occur. Not only would homocysteine build up to toxic concentrations, but cysteine would be in short supply, and then B6 would not be able to be sufficiently phosphorylated. Pyridoxal-5-phosphate is a co-factor for many essential enzymes, and a deficiency of phosphorylated B-6 can have profoundly negative health effects. We can look at the threonine cascade as a significant factor in maintaining the metabolic balance of the body, and as a welcome facilitator of coronary protection.

Cysteine shortage compromises all the compounds that need disulfide bridges. Without sufficient cysteine, the insulin molecule falls apart, is blind to glucose, and contributes to diabetes. Double-sulfide bridges occur in many enzymes, notably the proteolytic enzymes from the pancreas, trypsin and chymotrypsin. Cysteine itself is a major component in the structure of the skin and hair, as well as serving as a very strong metal detoxifier. In a shortage, the skin and hair might not have good texture, and the release of toxic metal accumulation could be impaired.

When cysteine is not sufficiently available to create taurine, or if vanadium is not present, heart arrhythmia can occur. If the taurine is severely lacking in the brain, it can lead to seizures.

Since taurine can’t go through the brain barrier, rather than suggesting taurine, we have found that it works better to suggest cysteine and vanadium, as these nutrients can get through, and will allow the brain to make its own taurine. Often this simple measure can prevent further seizures, as long as the biofield of the brain has not been dislocated by a fall or a blow to the head, or compromised by aspartame toxicity. In the case of a fall or blow to the head, often taurine will not be able to access the area where this injury occurred.

The events described are directly the result of wheat/meat and soy allergies. You can see at once that many of these health effects appear to be separate “diseases”. When looked upon in that way, they appear to require various separate medications. The pharmaceutical medications are helpful and quite necessary, but we can look at them as something you do until you figure out what to do: release the allergies. Once the allergies are handled, and the nutritional status is maintained, the metabolic errors that produce these diverse symptoms will most likely be able to correct themselves.

Rice Allergy creates both a valine and an isoleucine utilization disorder.

Valine disorder shows up as an irritant under the skin. This is often experienced as a rash, but sometimes there is itching with no visible rash. Sometimes people experience a crawling sensation under their skin that is very distressing, and gives the impression of a creeping parasite.

The sensation of itching all over can also come about with a commonly used popular laundry soap that can have toxic effects for some people. It’s not always about rice allergy. Changing irritating soap to a clean organic soap product may be all that is needed.

The Isoleucine disorder is the more common result of a rice allergy. It causes cold hands and feet, and is a major contributor to Reynaud’s syndrome. Chronic on-going fear can do this too, and so can cadmium toxicity, which produces arterial constriction as well.

Milk Allergy disrupts the Tryptophan pathway.

Tryptophan is the amino acid that makes serotonin. Two enzymes are required for this synthesis, the first one is tryptophan hydroxylase. That enzyme attaches a little OH hydroxyl radical onto the tryptophan molecule. If it can’t be hydroxylated, tryptophan can’t go further. Generally the culprit here would be a toxin that had accumulated in the brain from an outside source, such as pesticides, herbicides, pollution, or other exposure. If tryptophan is successfully hydroxylated, then it becomes 5-HTP. This is 5-hydroxytryptophan, and for those who don’t know how to make it, it is available in health stores.

The next step is the tricky one. The second enzyme is called 5-hydroxytryptophan decarboxylase. This enzyme removes COOH from the 5-HTP and creates the molecule we are looking for, which is serotonin. The major block in the perfect function of the decarboxylase is milk allergy. So it appears that a milk allergy can contribute significantly to depression.

Without adequate serotonin, there will be less than optimal melatonin, and as we so often observe, the depressed individual usually has a hard time sleeping without a fairly substantial sedative drug. If the milk allergy is severe, and if it is combined with a wheat allergy, occasionally some of the incorrect metabolites intersect, creating narcotics and hallucinogens. Then this person could be subject to disabling confusion, and could develop mental dissociation that could take the form of schizophrenia or other mental dysfunctions.

Serotonin shortage compromises the effectiveness of the platelets as well, and it is required in the intestinal tract. Serotonin is needed to perform many tasks.

In the presence of fluoride, serotonin cannot enter the receptor sites, and cannot function as the transmitter that the brain needs to function well. Fluoride is a very significant source of depression and confusion. This is not an allergic process, it is a toxic intrusion, but it creates similar effects as a milk allergy, without the milk allergy.

Fluoride is toxic to the brain, causes hypothyroidism, painful cystitis, diminishes lymphocyte synthesis, disrupts the connective tissue, and prematurely ages the skin. It allows incorrect placement of calcium as bone spurs, and creates a higher frequency of hip fractures and osteoarthritis, and higher incidence of bone cancer than those reported in non-fluoridated communities. The symptoms of fluoride poisoning are so diverse that it may seem surprising to find that they all stem from the same source, but until fluoride is acknowledged in medical circles as a hazard, the fluoride that brings about these health effects will continue to go unnoticed, and the illnesses that it produces will be managed with diverse remedies.

We advise our clients to stop the all sources of fluoride, stop cola drinks, (often made with heavily fluoridated water) reduce the sugar intake, brush teeth with bicarbonate of soda or a non-fluoride toothpaste, refuse dental fluoride “treatments” and take molybdenum supplements. Fluoride becomes increasingly toxic as it accumulates. However, residual fluoride can be removed by taking one small pill of DMAE every day for a couple of months.

Pollen Allergy usually shows up as a Histidine utilization disorder.

When a pollen or other inflammatory allergy occurs, the synthesis of histamine is excessive, and the other compounds that histidine is expected to make are not as available as they should be. This can come about from an unresolved memory that recruits the antibody IgE, as the biochemical basis for expressing an allergy reaction.

Decarboxylating histidine is what creates histamine. Before we begin to think of histamine as “bad,” we need to acknowledge that histamine is a requirement for the protection of the body when it has been injured. Histamine expands the capillary walls so that they can release fluids into the interstitial area around the injury, and invite the immune factors required for the healing.

Neutrophils gather, they send out pyrogens to raise the temperature, they send out kallikrein to invite kininogens to make more kinins that bring out more neutrophils, and the neutrophils then bring out more kininogens that make kinins to invoke even more neutrophils. Your body has now created a noticeable and painful inflammation.

Histamines turn on the sirens, and rouse the troops. They bring out pain-provoking substances so that the injured person is motivated to stop everything and take care of himself. If it doesn’t hurt enough, he could ignore it, continue to injure it further, and incur more serious damage. Clearly inflammation and pain are protective skills.

Other Inflammatory Allergies are also perceived to be protective, just as the situation described above. But, unlike the   protection from a current sprain or injury, histamine is evoked by pollen and animal allergies, for situations that are out of date.

Mast cells are stationed at strategic points all over the body. They are brimming with histamine molecules, waiting for the IgE signal to call them into action. Upon a negatively associated environmental provocation, the amygdala signals for an intense response. IgE jumps at the mast cells, opens them up, and histamine pours out, flooding the area with inflammatory signals to create swelling, or itchy hives or stuffy nose, sneezing, tears, coughing, etc.

The body is now experiencing a full-fledged histamine mediated allergy. There are many ways to relieve this. Drugs can control these symptoms, so they inhibit the inflammation process in a way that circumvents the histamine response. Sometimes allergy injections work. There are excellent herbal remedies available that minimize allergic symptoms, and these solutions may be sufficient for your comfort.

However, if the discomfort doesn’t respond to these options as well as you had hoped, there is another way to go. Ask someone to help you find the time when the allergy was initiated, locate the meridians that are involved, stroke them to release them, and let the long-held emotional charge dissipate. Stay with that memory for a moment, feel it, let go, and then come back into current time, refreshed and allergy-free.

FuelsFumes, and Plastics create a leucine utilization disorder.

Gasoline or exhaust fume allergy can be induced by traffic accidents, or a fearful plane trip that felt life-threatening, or something of the sort. The impression was a clear imprint: you are going to die. In that fleeting moment of recognition, part of the biofield splits away from the body, and the split stays outside the main part of the body’s auric field indefinitely, literally holding the belief that you are dead.

From then on, the message is continuously hovering in the auric vibration where the split is held. Upon reexposure to a similar situation, your unconscious awareness of that life-threatening fear resurfaces, and you are likely to get dizzy and spacy, forget things, and feel disoriented. You might pass out in a parking garage that is filled with exhaust fumes.

The leucine disorder creates confusion and disorientation. It produces a compound similar to met-enkephalin, called leu-enkephalin. Like met-enkephalin, it settles into the mid-brain where it diminishes the nerve conduction to the iris, so the leucine utilization disorder may be revealed by enlarged pupils. The methionine effect on the pupils is more like morphine, it tends to make them unusually small.

After you recover from the accident, the split that jumped outside still doesn’t know you recovered, because it could not see what happened after it separated from the presenting biofield. It froze at that moment in time. A split is a snapshot in the ethers that stays the same age that it was when it jumped out, and like a photograph, it is an image captured outside the flow of sequential time.

Oddly enough, these disembodied energy-fields are conscious. They can be muscle tested, and they respond when they are talked to. They are being maintained as separate vibrational fields because the intensity of the fear or the grief or anger that propelled them away from the body maintains them in a different frequency from the body’s main biofield. We can coax these intense feelings out of the splits by just stroking through the split biofield in mid-air, and lifting them out. As soon as the emotional burden is released, the splits can be invited gently back to the presenting self. The resolution allows for more vitality, and greater emotional harmony.

Chemical Sensitivity is a little different from a plastic or fuel allergy, and usually it is not an allergy. Unlike food allergy, symptoms that come about with environmental substances can be induced by overexposure. When the liver is burdened with heavy metals, pesticides, fuels, solvents and plastic out-gassing, the detoxification routes become overwhelmed.

Then every additional toxic exposure, however small, creates a strong reaction that will look exactly like an allergic symptom. This would be the time to look at homeopathic metal and toxin releasers, as well as glutathione, SOD, N-Acetyl cysteine, olive leaf, oregano oil, and others that the body-consciousness requests. See the section called “Coping with Toxins,” for these discussions and suggestions.

What you can do

You can learn to release charged emotional memories that are interfering with healing, and study the effects of herbs, vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional substances. Then you can weave them into other modalities of healing, such as medical treatments, dietary changes, chiropractic, acupuncture, and homeopathy. Often these different aspects of healing harmonize with each other, they don’t need to be thought of as mutually exclusive. Muscle testing will show you what procedures and remedies blend together most harmoniously for your specific needs.

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None of the statements in this commentary have been reviewed or approved by the FDA nor by any recognized scientific forum for evaluation, and none of the statements in this commentary are intended to diagnose, or offer treatment for any disease. If you have a health problem, see your doctor.