Your doctor will caution you automatically, as you enter your fifties, that you are now much more at risk for arterial damage and plaque build-up, and will tell you that heart attacks in women occur more readily after menopause, which is true. And, because most physicians associate high cholesterol with heart risk, the subject of lowering cholesterol will come up, as will the recommendation for taking a statin drug.
If you start to feel intimidated, keep in mind that as the patient, you are not “less.” You are on a level playing field with your doctor. You pay him for a service you requested. Think of him as your medical “handyman.” He fixes your deck, rewires broken wires, changes the filters in your RO machine, and sweeps leaves off the walkway. If he starts to spray weed-killer and pesticides on your organic vegetables, you need to say “Stop.” It’s your house. You pay him to maintain it, not poison it.
DoctorDaddyGod isn’t necessarily a monolithic authority who always knows best. Speak up, ask questions. Your doctor is your equal. You and he have had different educational experiences, and this is why you have asked him to assist you. If he condescendingly calls you by your first name and introduces himself as Dr, then come right back and call him by his first name, and refer to yourself as Mr. or Mrs. He’ll get the point, and if you’re lucky he’ll laugh, it’s an ice-breaker. If he is offended, it’s a deal-breaker.
Statins are the drugs such as Provacor, Mevacor, Zocor, etc. They were designed to prevent the synthesis of cholesterol by preventing the synthesis of a critical enzyme that is needed to create it. If your doctor insists on having you take one of these drugs, and you agree to it, then protect yourself with extra biotin and a daily dose of Co-Q-10. These drugs not only diminish cholesterol, they also short out Co-Q-10, causing problems with the mitochondria, and weakening muscle tissue, including the heart muscle. These drugs are sold as a protection for your heart by artificially lowering your cholesterol, which depletes all the hormones in the cholesterol cascade, lowers your IQ, and weakens the muscular thrust of your heartbeat.
Everyone has been trained for years by the medical community and by the media, and by the labels in the stores, that cholesterol is a health hazard. Whatever the number is, it needs to be lower. When do you ever hear the word “regulate” cholesterol? The only word used is “lower” it.
The connection between heart attacks and high cholesterol is tenuous, at best, and many researchers have found that there is no correlation. In spite of that, we have had it dinned into us that there are two kinds of cholesterol: the “good” kind, and the “bad” kind. The good kind saves, and the bad kind kills. The ratio between them that is talked about so much may have some validity, but given the premise, I’m not really sure about that.
Actually, the cholesterol is the same, for both the “good” and “bad” kinds. The difference is simply in the density of the carrier. HDL transports cholesterol by a high-density carrier, and LDL transports it with a low-density carrier that can release it more easily. They are both “good” and both are absolutely essential.
There are two major reasons for high cholesterol readings: one, the regulating system isn’t working well enough, or two, a certain percentage of the cholesterol molecules are incorrectly synthesized. The ones that are incorrect are measured in the medical readings in addition to the correct ones, so that the reading includes both. Liver will continue to crank out cholesterol to meet its needs, and if 15 percent of these are inaccurate, the total number will be measured as 15% higher than it really is, in terms of the body’s requirements.
If the inaccurate molecules can be corrected, then the high reading will drop down to the amount that the liver considers optimal. That is going to be within the normal range, or at least it will be within the range that your body-consciousness perceives to be right for its needs. The body-consciousness is not as concerned with the doctor’s numbers as you probably are, but if your body reports that the level is right for you, you can relax.
Often when we test vibrationally for cholesterol, the body will say it’s perfect, but the medical test shows that it’s quite high. To account for this disparity, the body is saying that it has exactly the amount it needs, but since the medical measurement has added in the inaccurate molecules, it shows a high number that doesn’t reflect the body’s real number. Forcing the total figure down lowers the accurate fraction, and this creates a shortage that can diminish the hormones and compromise brain function.
Correcting the inaccurate molecules is relatively easy to do. Find out when the decision or the event occurred that caused it to change, and resolve the emotional impact that the body is still holding. The new molecules that are made, from then on, will all be accurate.
However the remaining incorrect residue can continue to create problems. They tend to circulate for quite a while after this change is made, so we recommend taking Vitamin K7 in order to discard them promptly.
The low-density carrier drops cholesterol off into the adrenal glands, ovaries or testicles, so that hormones can be synthesized when needed. It follows that when inaccurate cholesterol starts to make pregnenolone, progesterone, DHEA, testosterone and estrogens, then all these hormones in the cholesterol cascade will carry that error with them, and health effects can occur as result.
Because certain fractions of LDL cholesterol do find their way into the lining of the arteries and contribute to plaque, LDL is called “bad.” The bad ones are not the regular ones, though. They’re just the oxidized ones, and the few that are carried by an extra small carrier. On the other hand, LDL’s gift is that it makes the hormones we need for sexual function, reproductive capability, bone replenishment, adrenal hormones, and digestive juices. In fact the LDL is every bit as good as the HDL cholesterol.
Clinically we are finding many health problems that are due to low cholesterol. High cholesterol, meaning an excess of accurate cholesterol molecules, we have found to be extremely rare.
The high-density carrier holds the cholesterol firmly, and has the capability of drawing oxidized cholesterol out of the epithelial lining of the arteries. This is fine protection for the arteries. This is why HDL is called “good.” It’s quite true, it is good.
The Danger of Low Cholesterol
Premature aging, wrinkled skin, brain-fog, mental confusion, infertility, cellular permeability, testosterone shortage and early menopause, are symptoms of cholesterol that has fallen too low. Don’t let yourself buy into the low cholesterol hype! The newest information is that people with moderately high cholesterol are less likely to have Alzheimers, and will live longer and stay younger-looking than the folks with low cholesterol.
Cholesterol is required for some of the synaptic connections in the brain. If you have very low cholesterol and you drive a car, you can make mistakes. You can’t think clearly, and might do things like turn left on a red arrow, or go down a one-way street the wrong way, wondering why all the cars seem to be headed toward you. Ooops. Your inaccurate decisions could put you and others at risk.
Because of the consensus beliefs about cholesterol, the body-consciousness frequency that controls the liver receives that fear, and the liver believes that you have given it the message to reduce the synthesis cholesterol. If so, it will obey your fear-pictures, and it won’t make enough. If you are living on a fat-free diet and meticulously avoid cholesterol, you can end up with a serious hormone shortage and synaptic deficiency in the brain.
When your cholesterol is too low, anything below 180, even though it sounds silly, ask your liver, out loud, to please make appropriate amounts of cholesterol! If you ask it to, it will change the directive it had been receiving, and give you the amount that your body needs. Eating a moderately high fat/high cholesterol diet won’t raise the cholesterol in the least, if your regulating systems (the B-vitamins and Omega 3 oils) are working well.
Whole eggs can’t raise cholesterol, because egg yokes have choline and biotin in them. These vitamins are sufficiently abundant to regulate all the cholesterol that is in the eggs. The yoke is where the nutrients are. There are enough nutrients in an egg yoke to create an entirely perfect baby chick, minerals, proteins, B vitamins, fatty acids, everything. You’re not doing yourself a favor to throw away the yokes. You can eat thirty egg yokes in a day and you wouldn’t be able to raise your cholesterol in the least.
So let go of that myth, and let yourself enjoy omlettes and egg salads, and fried eggs in butter with crispy bread crumbs. Organic bacon? Of course! Pork fat is a relatively soft fat, it contains quite bit of omega 9 oil, and has the same proportion of fats and oils that butter has.
Cholesterol is a fatty alcohol. It isn’t a fat. It is not only required for the synthesis of all your sex hormones, bile salts, Vitamin D and adrenal hormones, it is required for the maintenance of cell walls all over the body. If you are a vegetarian, use coconut oil to supplement the body’s natural need for healthy non-toxic saturated fat.
Polyunsaturated fats are less than optimal. They can’t bring in the fat-soluble vitamins, and they have a tendency to create free radicals that can compromise the biochemistry of the entire body. The people who started the rumor that unsaturated fats were “heart healthy,” were the people who were promoting corn oil and canola oil. Thanks to this self-serving $$ nonsense, saturated fats were suddenly demonized. Everybody started to believe that if you touched a piece of butter or took a bite of beef, or had organic bacon and eggs for breakfast, you’d keel over and drop dead. Oddly enough, people have been eating saturated fats for centuries, and heart attacks are a relatively recent phenomenon. Once we figure that out, fats will resume nutritional respect.
A corollary to our corn-fed fat-fear is the idea that skimmed milk is healthier than whole milk. The trouble with that theory is that skimmed milk doesn’t deliver the minerals and vitamins that are normally found in milk, since these nutrients depend upon the presence of butterfat to absorb them. Best to get whole milk. Rather than using organic homogenized and pasteurized, see if you can find a good source of raw milk. If not, the organic homogenized milk is OK. Don’t put your baby on a low fat diet, though. Kids need fats in order for their brains to develop. People even do that to their pets! Don’t.
On a low cholesterol diet, ideally the liver makes more to compensate, unless it is afraid to do it because of perceived “rules” from its Head-quarters.
On a high cholesterol diet, the liver will make correspondingly less, in order to keep the level accurately tuned to your body’s requirements. If your B-vitamins and essential fatty acids are available and properly assimilated, they will regulate it.
High cholesterol readings are not ideal, either. Don’t interpret these comments as an argument in favor of high cholesterol. We like to see the level at about 185 to 210. But high cholesterol, 250 and over, indicates that something is out of balance. Either the cholesterol is being made incorrectly, or the nutrients that are supposed to regulate it are either not being utilized, or are not available. In this case it would useful to trace these blockages, and sleuth out solutions that would help the cholesterol to be regulated appropriately.
The issue to consider, in terms of artery risk, is not whether the level of cholesterol is high or low, but whether it clings. High and low can both cling. The real question is how much has been oxidized, and how much is being carried by very small carriers. Those are the ones that find their way into the artery linings. Aside from that, the level of blood inflammation is known to be a very important clue about arterial risk, but that has nothing to do with cholesterol, it is usually due to a mycoplasmic infection.
To explore more about the arteries and the heart, go to the article called “Blood Pressure, Arteries, and Heart Rhythms.”
The Effects of Homocysteine and Free Radicals
Plaque is dangerous. It can stick to the epithelium of the coronary arteries, or the carotids, or femorals. Plaque gathers in these arteries as a group of materials collected together—-calcium is there, blood platelets are there—oxidized cholesterol isn’t the only one. It is important to know that together this group can create a lethal combination.
If plaque gathers in the carotids, it diminishes brain oxygen and causes brain fog, mental confusion, even dementia. In the femorals, it creates circulatory insufficiency in the legs, and sets up peeling skin lesions, muscle cramps, cold toes, and allows infections to settle into the tissues that are very slow to heal. This often comes up with diabetes, because high glucose tends to cause the red cells to swell, so they can’t fold up and slide into the tiny capillaries. Check to see if the leg is out of date, or if it belongs to someone else.
If plaque is depositing in the coronaries, corollary circulation will be established to compensate, but the heart gets highly stressed when oxygen is diminished.
On the other hand, oxidized cholesterol is unlikely to cling to the linings of arteries if five major issues are addressed:
1. Replenish a deficiency of NO, nitric oxide, with citrulline or arginine.
2. Check for free radicals, suggest astazanthin, vitamin E, and C.
3. Avoid microwaved food, it is brimming with free radicals.
4. If homocysteine is high, give B6 as Pyr-5-P, and provide serine by fixing soy allergy.
5. If magnesium is deficient, replenish it.
To discuss the homocysteine hazards for a moment, let’s take a look at the methionine cascade, and see what’s happening.
Homocysteine is a transient metabolite of the amino acid methionine. It can build up to toxic levels if the enzyme that takes it to the next metabolite, cystathionine, can’t be made. In order for homocysteine to make the next move, this enzyme needs a combination of phosphorylated B6 and the amino acid serine. Serine synthesis is limited by the effects of a soy allergy.
Homocysteine can go back and become methionine again, if there is extra B12 available. This lowers it, certainly, but it will still cycle back to hit the same brick wall in the cascade, and will not be able to complete the sequence that could have brought about the necessary amino acid, cysteine. For homocysteine to go forward along the pathway to completion, serine and phosphorylated B6 are required.
When there is a soy allergy, the amino acid threonine will be diverted. The enzyme that makes the next shift, threonine aldolase, is impaired by a toxic chemical formed in response to a soy allergy. Then glycine and serine cannot be synthesized adequately. The effect of a soy allergy enters the methionine pathway where homocysteine needs to proceed to cystathionine.
If threonine can synthesize glycine and serine, and if B6 can be phosphorylated to Pyr-5-P, then cystathionine can be made. The pathway can be completed. It will go down to cysteine, and from there, given a little vanadium, taurine can be synthesized.
If this route is not accessible, homocysteine will either build up to toxic levels or will keep going in circles, returning to methionine repeatedly, but never able to complete the cysteine synthesis.
Without cysteine, you can’t make a proper insulin molecule, and you won’t be able to make enough taurine to protect your heart or your limbic brain. Your hair would get dry and frowsy, and you could develop word-retrieval problems, number reversals, and have a hard time concentrating without being distracted easily. Best to resolve the soy allergy, and let the entire cascade move ahead freely.
How to resolve this: Release the emotional stuff around wheat allergy, meat allergy, and soy allergy, and make sure that there is an adequate intake of vitamin C, E, trace minerals, and antioxidants.
Risk to the coronary arteries occurs when an artery lining sustains a small tear, due to the action of free radicals, aspirin, or high homocysteine. Platelets gather to help fix the wound, and oxidized cholesterol drops out of the low density carrier and clings to the platelets. (This is why LDL is called “bad,” and surely this action is unfavorable.) Calcium comes by next, and because it has the opposite charge, it clings to the cholesterol. Plaque is developing.
There is only a marginal correlation between high cholesterol and heart failure, and a fat-free diet does not protect you. People with low cholesterol can have arterial plaque too. It’s not a matter of exercise, either. Sometimes strong athletes drop dead of coronary occlusion even as they are working out or running to stay in shape. (And, sometimes this happens if there is aspartame in their electrolyte drinks, it might have nothing to do with coronary stuff, or cholesterol stuff.)
You can take Vitamin C, E, citrulline and anti-oxidants to help to prevent arterial damage. This substantially lowers your risk. If the cholesterol is too high, assimilation of B-vitamins, and Omega 3 oils, and lecithin, will regulate the cholesterol levels. Additional magnesium will keep the arteries relaxed so they won’t seize up.
Cadmium and Nickel can tighten the artery walls too, so check for that and give a homeopathic heavy metal detoxifier, if necessary. Biotin, niacin, B6, choline, inositol and other B-vitamins will help to regulate it. The best possible prevention is to resolve the soy allergy that maintains high homocysteine, and be sure that you are assimilating and utilizing your B-vites. These glitches can be changed if you find the age, identify the feelings, locate the meridians, trace them, and release the negative emotional association that soy is carrying, or that some of the B-vites may be carrying.
This should provide some useful ways to handle issues that come up around cholesterol and plaque. As you can see, there certainly are hazards. People who hold these fears do have a biochemical and medical basis for their fears, even though some it may not be related to cholesterol.
Your job, if you are the client, is to look at this, and figure out what you need to do for yourself. Your job, if you are the nutritional/vibrational consultant, is to listen carefully and not discount the fears that your client expresses. He may have a hunch that is important, without being able to perceive it consciously. Check everything very carefully, check with your intuitive hits, and intervene in ways that the client’s body-consciousness suggests.
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None of the statements in this commentary have been reviewed or approved by the FDA nor by any recognized scientific forum for evaluation, and none of the statements in this commentary are intended to diagnose, or offer treatment for any disease. If you have a health problem, see your doctor.