Traditionally, nutritional advice tends to make certain foods “wrong” and can set up an adversarial relationship between you and your food, by narrowing your choices. At the Balancing Center, we think of food as a delight and a pleasure, and we hope to kindle your appreciation for a broader cuisine, rather than recommending limitations.
We have a very simple suggestion about what to eat: Eat what you enjoy. And, be sure you get enough cholesterol, enough salt, and enough fats and essential oils. While it is true that toxins can accumulate in fats, if the fats you eat are free from pesticides, hormones and antibiotics, they are nurturing and safe.
When we talk about food with you, we start with what you like. Then we figure out if there is an allergic/addictive issue, or an emotional situation that may be causing you to choose foods that aren’t useful. If so, together we may be able to change the basis for your responses, so that you will feel naturally drawn toward more appropriate choices.
We might suggest a needed mineral or a vitamin, or release a toxin that is interfering with your metabolic process. If your vitamins and minerals are not being utilized correctly for some reason, that could interfere with your absorption of fats, proteins, or carbohydrate foods. Your body-consciousness will tell you whether certain nutrients are being absorbed, and if some of them are not, it can guide you to a solution.
Diverse personal dietary preferences work perfectly as long as the body receives a full spectrum of minerals, B-vitamins, and adequate oils to carry the oil-soluble vitamins. Whatever you select as your favorite cuisine, ideally you will want to include fresh greens, root vegetables, grains, legumes, and a good source of protein. Our major concern, at the Balancing Center, is that your food is organically grown, free from genetically modified ingredients, MSG and aspartame, and that your water does not contain fluoride, chloramine, lead, or other contaminants.
You may have strong beliefs that cause you to restrict your diet severely, and if that works for you, that’s fine too. Vegetarian and vegan diets are excellent for some people. If you want to be vegan, but your blood type suggests that an omnivore diet would really work better for you, without challenging your choice we would recommend additional supplementation to maintain your optimal nutritional status.
Health Issues can come up around food
If you are ill, or have special dietary needs, we may be able recommend a temporary dietary regime, perhaps juicing fresh vegetables, and putting specific emphasis on foods that would facilitate your healing.
Sometimes there is an emotional reason for rejecting specific nutrients, even when they are being adequately supplied. If so, we can work with that, and help you to resolve the basis for your rejection. On the other hand, you may just be lacking a few enzymes, or need to produce more acid, or more bile. We can coax your body to produce these substances more abundantly, in order to bring your digestive process into harmony.
Often people who experience heartburn, or acid reflux, feel as though they have too much acid, because it hasn’t been neutralized properly. They really just need to neutralize the acid with bicarbonate from the pancreas. As soon as the pancreas can be persuaded to release adequate bicarbonate, for many people the acid reflux discomfort lightens up, and the digestive sequence can proceed smoothly from the acidic phase to the alkaline phase.
The pancreas releases a lot of fluid with many different bicarbonates, during the alkaline bath when the small intestine gives out a hormone called secretin. As the secretin comes out, another hormone called cholecystokinin or CCK, comes out at the same time. CCK invites the gall bladder to release bile, to emulsify the fats, and it invites the pancreas to release the enzymes that will take the protein chains and carbohydrate groups down to smaller sizes. The bile shifts the fats into soluble form, and all of these nutrients are drawn into the small intestine to be absorbed.
Difficult discomfort can occur at this point. If the small intestine is unable to release secretin or CCK, the digestion process cannot proceed, and the client will experience pain, bloating, and bowel disturbances. There are two major reasons that can cause this to happen. One is a gluten allergy, and the other is a mycoplasmic infection around the small intestine’s nutrient receptor sites.
Both of these hazards create the same symptoms, since they both prevent the release of secretin and CKK. Fats can’t access the small intestine receptors, the proteins can’t be divided up into amino acids that could have been absorbed, and the carbohydrates will come through undigested. This upsets the intestines. They can’t deal with these difficult undigested particles.
The solution is to resolve the gluten allergy, or release the mycoplasma, whichever one is causing the malabsorption.
Dairy is Nutritious and Delicious
Our Jersey cow is our symbol of nurturing. She is the giver of creamy organic milk. She presides over the client conference table with a watchful eye. For those us who have been advised that we are allergic to dairy, or have been warned that dairy is “bad,” our Jersey mother is here to remind us that whole raw milk, cheese and butter are healthy foods as long as they are free from pesticides, rBST, and antibiotics. She says raw is the best, it has all the enzymes and nutrients intact, and wishes that every child—as well as every adult who wants it—could have access to this wholesome delightful resource.
In California it is still legal to sell raw milk. If you have never tried it, you will find it surprisingly different, sweet, and delicious. Raw cream in your coffee is a special experience. Often people—and babies—who can’t tolerate pasteurized dairy do very well with raw. Do not be afraid of it. It is cleaner and much more carefully tested than pasteurized milk. Raw milk is experiencing a vendetta staged by the commercial milk industry, but don’t believe a word. If you can get raw, go for it.
Your Chinese acupuncturist and other practitioners who have been influenced by the current fear of dairy, will tell you that milk, cheese, yogurt etc. are all bad and scary, and should never be touched with a ten-foot pole. Let go of that advice. It isn’t about you. Let them avoid dairy, their choice, but for you that might not be a requirement. Your receptivity to dairy depends upon whether you have a dairy allergy, it doesn’t depend upon the opinion of other people. If you don’t have a milk allergy, you can put half and half into your coffee, have kiefer or yogurt with your lunch, and delightful cheeses with your organic wine in the evening.
If you do have a milk allergy, once the negative emotional associations are resolved, organic dairy becomes an available option. The metabolic errors associated with milk allergy can be corrected, so that whole milk and other dairy products can become good nutritional resources. This doesn’t mean that you are “supposed “ to drink milk or eat cheese, it just means that you are OK with it, if you want it.
If, after that, you still find that cow dairy still doesn’t work, goat dairy might be OK for you. It is an excellent source. Avoid soy milk substitute, and don’t give a soy formula to your baby, it contains way too much estrogen. Soy formula given in infancy can cause early puberty for girls and sexual confusion for boys. Almond milk and rice milk are fine, but before resorting to that, try goat dairy. It is naturally homogenized and contains good clean butterfat.
Fat Fear
It’s time to let go of our obsession with Fat Fear.
Low fat milk won’t let you have the vitamins or minerals that are in milk, so don’t give it to your kids. The butterfat content of whole milk is required for the absorption of these nutrients. Skimmed milk does not give you more than minimal nutritional benefits. It’s time for us to recover from the current “fat fear” fad. It doesn’t work. The fat-free diet causes rapid aging and major nutritional deficiencies. Pure organic butter is really good for you. Whole milk is good for you. Organic bacon and eggs are a great breakfast! And, whole grain organic cereal, with honey and half and half, run a close second.
Bacon fat has the same spectrum of various lengths of fat as butter, and in Europe they spread pork fat on bread just as though it were butter, but with a different flavor. Beef fat is more dense than pork fat, but it is excellent for the body to receive a certain amount of saturated fat. Sauté your veggies in butter or pork fat, or the prize-winner, delicious coconut oil. All of these are OK at moderately high temperatures. Save the olive oil for salad, it doesn’t do well when it is overheated.
What if it turned out that fat didn’t make you fat? New info: It doesn’t.
Weight gain is more likely due to MSG, toxic food additives, toxic pharmaceuticals, “diet” foods with toxic sweeteners, and microwaved food. Along with those hazards, sugar is actually the major culprit, particularly high fructose corn syrup. Sugar does makes you fat. It’s more complicated than that, but if you avoid those obvious hazards, it’s a good start.
Rumors about Beef
We hear many self-conflicting opinions about beef, and it’s hard to filter them out. Sometimes clients tell me “Oh, no, I never eat meat, all I have is chicken and fish.” This was an interesting perspective, that chicken and fish aren’t really meat. Chicken must be just concentrated corn, fish are concentrated algae, so you’re still sort of a vegetarian, like maybe a pollo-vegetarian, or a pesco-vegetarian.
Beef, on the other hand, can’t be just concentrated grass. Beef is referred to as “red meat,” which makes it sound solid and real. They (whoever they are) don’t have a bovo-vegetarian category. People often proudly say they never eat red meat, apparently the red color means that there must be something wrong with it. Or, they’ll say I really like it but I know I shouldn’t eat it.
Food opinions are sometimes highly charged. Passionate beliefs have a tendency to conflict with different passionate beliefs. Back off. You can respect people who hold a strong personal identity with certain food choices, and if you have a different belief, you can command equal respect.
Let’s clear the decks—without an emotionally charged opinion—organic pasture-raised beef, like buffalo, has been a staple food resource for thousands of years. It is nutritionally loaded with perfectly balanced protein, nourishing connective tissue, healthy fats, and ample amounts of iron and other minerals. You can choose to eat it, find it to be absolutely delicious, and feel fine about yourself. There is no spiritual backlash. The opinion that you are less spiritual if you eat meat is an opinion. We often hear that, and it can sound a bit condescending, but here’s another opinion: highly spiritual people feel tuned in with the animals they eat, just as they tune in with the consciousness of the vegetables they eat. They bless them, and honor them.
Many people refuse meat because it is so toxic these days, and yes, much of the meat that is sold now is highly toxic, and the chicken is as toxic as the beef. That still doesn’t mean that meat is bad. We can get pasture- raised organic meat, and it’s as good for us now as it was in the days when we caught wild rabbit or killed a deer, and cooked it over the fire in front of our cave.
If you prefer a vegetarian diet, that’s excellent. Your protein sources can be nuts and seeds, eggs and cheese, quinoa and wild rice. This is as balanced and nutritious as a meat-based diet. And these foods, too, must be as perfect and as organic as your meat choices would have been. You need to be willing to go out of your way to find non-toxic produce, shop at farmer’s markets, use your pendulum, grow your own, and take care of yourself with a detoxifier after you eat out.
Are All “Carbs” Alike?
There are huge warnings now about all carbohydrate foods, now called “carbs.” The latest thing is to go on a carb-free diet. Now “they” say you are supposed to stop wheat, potatoes, rice, oats, barley, rye, corn, and sugar, in order to avoid a fearful array of disastrous illnesses.
Carbs are not a monolith. Different ones have very different effects. We can sort them out and see what this is about. First, differentiate between the food as organic, or genetically modified. GMO contains toxins and serious mineral depletions that can cause difficult health effects, and this has nothing to do with the food. Next, differentiate between the effect of the food as it is, and the effect that same food has when it is converted into an allergy that disrupts the cascade of the relevant amino acids.
Let’s assume, to start with, that all the food we’re talking about here is 100% organic. Toxins are not food, and we’re just talking about food. Gluten has been singled out as a group of foods to avoid meticulously, but unless you have a gluten allergy, they are perfectly OK. Wheat, rye, and barley are gluten-carrying foods, and do not cause inflammation or digestive disturbances unless you have an allergy to the protein they share. When gluten is an allergy, the effect is to stop the release of pancreatic enzyme, bicarbonate, and bile. Digestion is uncomfortable and nutrients are not well-absorbed. Did gluten do all that? No. The allergy did. It is due to a negative emotional association, and at the Balancing Center we define that as allergy. It is often described as a sensitivity, rather than an allergy, perhaps to make it sound a little safer.
Whole wheat is a nutritious food. In an allergic process, (separate from a gluten allergy) wheat causes an opiate to be synthesized from the amino acid methionine, and this opiate engages the pancreas to first create hypoglycemia, and later it often develops into late-onset diabetes.
Potatoes are carbs, but totally different from wheat. They are nourishing and sustaining, and have high potassium in the skins. The allergic process around potato is usually not clinically noticeable, it comes up as the inability to store glucose in the liver. Rice, if unprocessed, is a rich source of B-vitamins and a completely balanced protein. Black rice and wild rice are the most nutritious forms. As an allergy, rice causes circulatory stasis in the peripheral blood vessels, a major factor in the development of Reynaud’s. Oats are an excellent resource for protein and minerals, but as an allergy, oats contribute to hyperactivity and tendon weakness. Corn, along with rice and beans, has sustained big populations for thousands of years. A corn allergy tightens up the tubes and ducts, so we would see glaucoma, dry mouth, bile duct blockage, and tension in the kidney tubules, and hyperflexible tendons.
When sugar comes in, blood glucose goes up. Then insulin comes out, captures it, and delivers it to the tissues that need it. This regulates the blood glucose level. White sugar depletes the chromium, so high sugar intake sets up the condition for a form of diabetes that is not wheat-related. It has both high insulin and high glucose, and needs abundant mineral support.
From this discussion it looks as though the allergic process is what is most troublesome about these diverse carbs. Each one, as a food, has special gifts to offer, and very likely the effect of their allergic deflection is what has given them their bad reputation.
If you think this may apply to you, find a skillful health practitioner who can resolve the basic emotional sources of these food allergies, and not just recommend avoidance to minimize the symptoms. It takes an in-depth biochemical/emotional process to release them. Then you can eat the carbs of your choice, with no penalties.
Keep in mind, we are omnivores, we were designed to digest proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Together they all nurture us, and keep our beautifully orchestrated body in balance.
Supplements Available at the Balancing Center
At the Balancing Center we have a broad spectrum of supplements for you to draw from. Our policy is to give as few as we possibly can. We want to engage your body to receive the most it can receive from food. We discuss your food intake, and perhaps suggest changes that could supply needed nutrients. Beyond that, we have additional supplements as activators of your body’s natural process, so you can access the process that it knows it can do.
An additional mineral or vitamin, here and there, can give your body a chance to make an enzyme that it wants to make, or change something it wants to change. A detoxifier would be perceived by the liver or the kidney as a wonderful help for releasing something it was unable to release without a little assistance.
We never make specific promises about what health changes these things can perform. There may be emotional or toxic interference that we aren’t seeing, and it is also true that we are not psychic, and we can’t predict the future! But we can certainly say that we have the expectation of success, based upon our clinical experience.
The supplements that we carry in our stockroom are the highest quality that we can bring to you. They are free from contamination by GMO or fluoride, and are designed to be easily absorbed. Many have been vibrationally enhanced so that your biofield can receive them as subtle frequencies. Your biofield can work with them in a way that goes beyond our usual expectations, inviting unexpected physical shifts.
Our stockroom is an available resource for our clients. If they choose to purchase supplements from other sources, that’s fine. We test the supplements that they bring in for evaluation, to be sure they work, and can go through the entire stash for clients who ask, to find out what their body chooses or rejects.
We do not perceive it to be a conflict of interest for us to have supplements here to sell. People are free to buy them from other sources. Our stock is intended to provide a convenience for the clients, so they wouldn’t have to go out and search for these things from a health store.
It is also true that some of our supplements are not available from a health store. Those specific supplements have to be obtained from a certified health practitioner, and our clients are free to ask for them from any other practitioner that they choose.