16. Pancreatic Stress: Resolving Glucose Issues

At the Balancing Center we see many clients who have unstable blood sugar, and most of them don’t realize it. Some people live their lives with signals indicating high blood glucose, (blood pressure high, feel tired a lot, thirsty all the time, carry water with them everywhere,) but are not aware of anything specifically the matter. Nothing hurts, they just feel out of sorts, low energy, and may have food cravings because the cells aren’t getting what they need. Often these people are overweight.

Others experience low glucose, with fatigue, mental confusion, muscular weakness, feel faint, low adrenals and low blood pressure, heavy sugar cravings, sudden overwhelming hunger at times, gain easily but can’t lose weight, and don’t know why.

Since we aren’t medical doctors, we aren’t licensed to diagnose these conditions, even though there are times when it is clear that we are picking up undiagnosed diabetes and/or hypoglycemia, with our muscle testing.

How We Respond, When This Comes Up

We never say the “d” word, we call it “Pancreatic Stress.” We refer clients to a doctor when they give vibrational readings indicating significantly high blood-glucose. Diabetes can develop into a dangerous life-threatening disease. We would say, “Seems like your blood sugar might be a little off, and I’d like to have you check that out with a doctor, just to be sure, I’d be more comfortable if we had medical verification.” The client will probably go to a doctor if you, as the practitioner, say that. The next time you see him, ask if he did, and if not, suggest a doctor you know who might work well with him, and say that this is important to check out medically.

Even after that, some won’t. By now it is clear that it’s their choice, and you have said what you needed to say. In either case, encourage him to work with you, as you will be able to contribute some good ideas that can interface well with the medical people in case later he decides to do that, after all.

On the other hand, hypoglycemic clients can almost always find relief by just making dietary changes and doing the appropriate allergy releases, and this is not generally the expertise of the medical folks. Often the doctor will dismiss. hypoglycemia. “It’s all in your head, it’s just mental,” and blame the patient.

In fact it is really mental, in the sense that it is usually generated by a food allergy, and food allergy is created in the part of the brain that harbors trauma. It is in your head, but that’s fine. Limbic memory imprinting produces physical symptoms of allergy upon restimulation. Hypoglycemia is more of a nutritional or emotional issue, and yes, the reason for it does occur in the brain. Because it doesn’t fall comfortably within the pharmaceutical model of health care, the physician is frustrated and is tempted to discount it.

Certainly these symptoms can be exaggerated by exposure to fluoride, chloramine, MSG, and artificial sweeteners, but when all that has been handled, the glucose level may still be unstable. If so, this needs careful consideration.

Emotional Patterns Held in the Pancreas Meridian

The meridians of the pancreas and spleen run in the same channel, but they each have quite different emotional meaning. The spleen meridian deals with self-esteem issues, and in a state of balance it holds healthy confident self-definition. When a person has been discounted and insulted, and trained from childhood experience to believe that he is worthless, the spleen meridian then turns to helpless anger, thoughts of revenge, obsession, and self-doubt.

On the other hand, the pancreas meridian runs parallel to this and carries quite a different feeling. It carries feelings of supportive care, and is a source of loving empathetic feelings. The negative form of pancreatic energy comes up as helpless sympathy. If the effort to be supportive and loving is repeatedly rejected or ridiculed, then the pancreatic biofield will turn into helpless sympathy, with the expectation of not being received. In time, the pattern evolves as a desire to give help and fix others who don’t want help, and haven’t asked.

This kindles anger at being refused, and at the same time a compulsive desire to cultivate relationships with people who can’t receive, to sacrifice for them, and then blame them for not receiving. Pancreas is the meridian that creates passive/ aggressive behavior, often called “love,” because it masquerades as sweetness and caring, while in fact it is really suffocating and controlling.

To work with pancreatic stress in depth, it is important to know that some variation of this dynamic is probably behind the pancreatic symptoms you will be observing, unless the problem is simply due to a toxic exposure.

When the Client is Holding Extraneous Biofields

The client may come to the practitioner saying “I don’t know what’s wrong, I just feel as though I’m not quite myself.” Any time clients say “I don’t feel like myself,” very possibly there is a new food allergy, or a new toxic exposure that has made them feel a little strange.

There is also the possibility that they aren’t quite “themselves.” Somebody else, either a person or a discarnate spirit-being, could be present in their biofield. If so, it would be causing them to feel disoriented, and to respond to situations in a different way from usual.

Find out what the situation is, ask the invader what it needs, and how to create a win/win resolution, and then send the visiting biofield back either to its body or to its non-physical vibrational space.  For details about how to do this, go to the article in this list, called “Spirit Beings.”

What Glucose Does

To trace the arrival of glucose from the beginning, the disacharrides, sucrose, lactose, and maltose, are divided by the enzymes in the small intestine into monosacharrides. These are fructose, glucose and galactose. Glucose comes up from the small intestine into the liver through the portal vein. The portal vein collects nutrients from the tiny capillaries along pathway of the small intestine. The capillaries converge into larger veins until they form the portal vein, on the way to the liver. This heavy nutrient-rich blood flows into the liver, and is distributed among the hepatic cells.


There are two nutrient groups that are transported to the liver: glucose, derived from carbohydrates, and amino acids, derived from protein foods. The nutrient load also contains minerals, B-vitamins, oil-soluble vitamins, and other substances that facilitate various other processes. And there are usually a few toxic substances to detoxify.

Fats, on the other hand, form unwieldy groups called chylomicrons, made up of triglycerides and various other lipid compounds, derived from dietary oils and fats. Chylomicrons are too big to enter the tiny capillaries in the intestinal villi, so they can’t travel to the liver through the portal vein. They slip into the lymph ducts in the villi, and then flow through the lymphatic system until they are poured into the heart, take a tour through the lungs, and are pumped out through the aorta for general distribution. From there, fats are carried to the liver to be sorted out and processed.

When glucose is dropped off into the liver’s cells, part of it is sent out into the blood, and the rest of it is stored. The molecules to be stored link together so that they can fit into a smaller space. They bond by letting go of the water they are holding, and this process is called dehydration synthesis. Now the glucose has become glycogen. When glucose begins to get a little low, stored glycogen is turned back into glucose by rehydration, and this maintains the blood sugar level within the desired comfort zone.


Glycogen looks sort of like pussy willows. The glucose molecules let go of water temporarily, to form this.

To recruit glucose when needed, a hormone from the pancreatic alpha cell, glucogon, comes into the liver searching for glycogen. It returns water to some of the dehydrated glycogen molecules. When glycogen is rehydrated, glucose is released and can float away from the storage area and go back into the bloodstream. If there are exceptional needs for extra glucose, the glycogen runs out. Then adrenal hormones will come to the rescue, and maintain the glucose level by finding other reserves. The adrenal glucocorticoid hormones can draw glucose out of fat tissue as well as muscle tissue, in order to maintain the required glucose level. That is why rapid weight-loss causes muscle weakness.

When Glucose is Too High

Low insulin causes high blood glucose, because the glucose that is generated by carbohydrates builds up, unless there is enough insulin to capture it and put it away. Insulin can be diminished in several ways.

First: the beta cell may be harboring a toxin that prevents the release of the insulin molecule. The toxin might be made from an error in the methionine cascade. Instead of making S-adenosyl methionine, a toxin produced by a wheat or meat allergy deflects the enzyme that should have facilitated the synthesis of “SAMe.” The cascade veers off in a different direction, making a compound called met-enkephalin.

Met-enkephalin is an opiate, so it is attracted to the opiate receptors of the beta cell. At first this causes the beta cell to release excessive insulin. (This is the hypoglycemic process.) Later on, if the met-enkephalin is still there, after years of excessive output, the beta cell can no longer produce excessive insulin, and starts to release less. Now it has reversed, and creates the diabetic process.

This condition is called a Methionine Utilization Disorder. It can be changed by releasing the allergy to wheat. When wheat is no longer an allergy, (or meat, which is also high in methionine,) met-enkephalin is no longer produced. Cleansing the beta cells out with a little vitamin C releases the toxic residue, as the beta cell is very receptive to vitamin C. After that, the insulin level can return to normal.

Second: A shortage of vitamin C can sometimes produce a diabetic reaction. It may be that vitamin C takes part in the enzymes that synthesize the insulin molecule, or perhaps its role is to guard the beta cell and diminish the uptake of toxins, so that if it is in short supply, toxins can enter and block the insulin release. If that happens, the solution is very simple. Check to see what kind of Vitamin C is best, and suggest that your client take a little extra.

Third: Herbicide poisoning is becoming increasingly common, as a source of beta cell toxicity. Glyphosate, in the herbicide Round-up, is a hazard to the beta cell. This may be why there has been a remarkable increase in diabetes recently, and why so many young kids are getting diabetes now. As people ingest more “Round-up-Ready” foods that have been drenched with this stuff, the chances are that diabetes will continue to skyrocket. There is a homeopathic detoxifier we use for agricultural toxins that we offer to our clients, and it works beautifully. Unless people switch to organic food, they would need to use a detoxifier as an on-going supplement, or likely risk a depletion of insulin.

Below is a picture of the insulin molecule. It curls up into a clump, in real life, so you would never be able to figure out how it was constructed by looking at it in the convoluted form it really has, in the body. To show you what’s happening, it has been stretched out.

(Below is an insulin molecule stretched out)


If you look at the insulin structure, you will see that there are two lines of connection that hold these two polypeptide chains together. These are the double sulfide bonds, also called di-sulfide bridges.

Fourth: If the di-sulfide bonds aren’t being made, the peptide chains fall apart, and can’t capture glucose. They are “blind” to the glucose even though there may be sufficient numbers of molecules being released—the trouble in this case wouldn’t be due to a wheat or meat allergy. The methionine cascade is not the issue.

Cysteine, (chemical shortcut “cys,”) is among the amino acids that appear in both of the peptide chains. Cysteine is a small molecule, and when two of them bond together, they turn into bigger amino acid, called cystine. The bonds span across the space between the peptide chains. Given the right enzyme, when one cysteine meets another cysteine across the chain, they drop off two hydrogen atoms, and form cystine. That di-sulfide bridge is what holds the insulin structure together.

When enough insulin molecules fall apart, obviously there will be correspondingly less glucose picked up and transported to the cells. This individual now has high glucose, i.e. diabetes. When the lack of di-sulfide bonding turns out to be the problem, we have found that giving the trace mineral rubidium usually allows the bonding to take place. Then the insulin structures will be accurate, and will pick up the glucose perfectly. Glucose can now be regulated.

That is, it will be unless a couple of other hazards come up. The person might not absorb minerals sufficiently to allow Rb to come through the intestinal wall, or there might be an emotional decision that the client is holding on to, perhaps afraid of bonding, afraid to trust, unable to make emotional bridges. This can usually be resolved by working with the belief system, and accessing some of the early experiences that initiated such a distressing withdrawal. It would take a little emotional detour before the client would let rubidium work fully, but it can be done.

Fifth: High glucose occurs with insulin resistance. This is commonly seen as the major reason for diabetes. It is called adult-onset diabetes, Type II. In contrast to Type II, Type I is called juvenile on-set, a condition where the beta cells have been destroyed by a virus, and cannot recover, and need in-going insulin shots. That is referred to as juvenile diabetes, since it happens to little kids more often than adults.

Type II, insulin resistance, means that when the insulin attempts to deliver the glucose, the cell receptors can’t receive it. Then glucose can’t get into the cell to supply fuel for the body’s needs. One way to encourage the receptor cells to bring the glucose through, is to suggest vanadium and chromium. Usually these minerals will open up the receptor sites on the cell surface, and this will have the effect of regulating the glucose level, especially if other considerations have also been dealt with. Might also check for magnesium and zinc.

Two things can happen, with Type II diabetes. One occurs when there is a shortage of insulin due to a toxin, glyphosate or met-enkephalin, or some other reason for inhibiting it. Then injecting insulin is very helpful, until you can figure out what to do. The other situation occurs when the insulin is actually plentiful and is being released in response to the high glucose, but since the glucose doesn’t go away, more and more insulin is released in an attempt to clear it out. Then the client has both high glucose and high insulin. Injecting more insulin is absolutely the wrong remedy, but it is often prescribed, along with drugs, as an automatic response to the measurement of high glucose. Fortunately with muscle testing this can be determined quite quickly, and the chromium and vanadium, by themselves, can sometimes give relief, so the doctor can release the drugs at the insulin gradually stabilizes.

When Glucose is Too Low

Hypoglycemia may not be life-threatening, but it is very inconvenient and uncomfortable. Interesting that the remedies we have come up with for this are similar to those that are useful for high glucose. The methionine cascade is again the culprit. High met-enkephalin causes excessive insulin release without regard to the body’s needs. The met-enkephalin overrides the normal regulatory signals that are in the hypothalamus, in the limbic brain.

This can go on for years, until finally it starts to shift into dysinsulinism, where glucose is all over the map and unpredictable, sometimes too high and sometimes too low. Eventually it will settle into the diabetic pattern. Right now we are going to explore what happens when insulin drives the glucose down below the comfort zone.

Resolving the wheat and meat allergy, once again, will relieve the hypoglycemia that is caused by the over-stimulation of the beta cells by met-enkephalin. The excess insulin pours out and captures all the glucose it can find. That is the time when the glucogon comes forth and recruits glucose from the glycogen reserves to maintain the glucose level. After the glycogen is depleted, if the glucose is still too low, the adrenal hormones will be called upon to continue the process. Glucose will be recruited from fat, or from muscle tissue, at any cost. Life depends upon it.

Eventually so much glycogen is converted into glucose that the reserves in the liver become exhausted. Now the adrenals will start to recruit glucose from fat reserves, and eventually from muscle tissue, to bring up the glucose level. If the brain can’t receive enough glucose, the client will feel faint, and won’t be able to think very clearly. Brain is the largest consumer of glucose in the body, and will be the first to let you know if it is falling too low.

Blood pressure drops and can’t be regulated, when the hormone aldosterone, from the adrenals, becomes depleted. Low aldosterone causes a potassium overload. Normally aldosterone is the hormone that regulates potassium by releasing it appropriately so it doesn’t build up. If it is in short supply, potassium becomes excessive.

The kidneys regulate the blood pressure and keep the level high enough according to their needs, by releasing the little hormone renin, which creates the regulating compound, angiotensin. Renin helps to maintain the pressure. In the situation of low blood glucose, aldosterone is insufficient. Potassium builds up, and causes renin to be diminished. Then the pressure drops.

The kidneys need enough pressure to pump the blood through the little tiny chambers and tubes, to cleanse it. They run through about forty-five gallons of fluid in a day. They go into stress when the pressure is too low, and they keep signaling for more aldosterone to lower the potassium—so that renin can help by recruiting angiotensin.

To summarize this fairly complicated sequence, when the blood sugar can’t be maintained by glycogen, the adrenals are called upon to help. If they give too much of their hormone supply, they deplete their reserves. In that case the aldosterone also becomes depleted, potassium builds up, and this blocks the action of the renin. Then renin can’t maintain the blood pressure at a comfortable level.

Because the blood sugar is low, the client will have insatiable sugar cravings, in the instinctive knowledge that sugar should help give the body more comfort and more energy. This feels better for a while, but then the extra insulin packs the sugar away into the fat cells, and creates more hunger. Weight gain can happen as a result of this metabolic dysfunction, and it is not about eating too much—-don’t blame yourself—it is a condition that one cannot control or change, until the source of the insulin excess can be resolved.

The Impact of Wheat Allergy

Another hazard that happens with wheat-related hypoglycemia is that met-enkephalin is a narcotic, and it is addictive. In some sense you could say that wheat is a “drug,” in this case. When the wheat supply runs out, withdrawal sets in. Then comes the search for more wheat.

So not only a sugar craving drives this person, but a wheat craving also does. Eating wheat products will give the client temporary relief for the narcotic addiction, but then as soon as that is detoxified, withdrawal comes up again. This individual will get hold of wheat in whatever way is available. Sometimes people get up at night and munch out on bread or left-over pasta in the fridge, or if that’s gone, they’ll drive to the nearest 7/11 at 2:30 AM, and scarf up wheat-containing junk food in order to get their fix. They have to, in order get back to sleep.

The narcotic that they synthesize from methionine makes them sleepy, so after taking wheat they feel comfortable until the next morning, when it all starts over again. This is a complete nightmare for people who struggle with this situation. They are narcotic addicts, but because wheat is an accepted staple food, it seems absurd to regard it as a narcotic addiction.

Meat allergy can also create a methionine disorder, and if so, a hamburger on a bun is the best fix ever. Between the two of them, it’s fairly common affliction, and it can be a serious thing, but it looks OK, it looks like regular life. It causes mood swings, and a tendency to be hostile. Creating an argument engages a surge of adrenal hormones that recruit glucose, so after a fight the glucose is higher, and these people feel relieved and relaxed.

Let it be known that organic wheat is an excellent and nutritious food. This is not about something wrong with wheat, as a nutrient. The allergy is what creates all this dysfunction. Allergies can be released. They are flags that tell us that there is a difficult unresolved situation from the past that needs to be processed.

The effects of diabetes and hypoglycemia are very distressing and make a person feel disoriented, fatigued and discouraged, but there is a way to lift the load. There is a way to restore the enthusiasm and sense of centered well-being that is natural to everyone.

As a practitioner, you can lead your client into discovering what is behind the disconnections that caused her allergies, and from there she can make a few revisions about the pictures she holds of herself, and rewire the hidden beliefs and decisions that have been limiting her perception.

As the client, you can make the decision to enjoy your current incarnation to the fullest, engage in an activity with people you enjoy, and connect more fully with who you really are.

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None of the statements in this commentary have been reviewed or approved by the FDA nor by any recognized scientific forum for evaluation, and none of the statements in this commentary are intended to diagnose, or offer treatment for any disease. If you have a health problem, see your doctor.