07. Time, as a Perception of the Limbic Brain

Time comes up to us, gives us a moment, and disappears.
I need more to time do this, I’m frantic. I won’t have time to get it all done.
I’ve been waiting here for twenty minutes, where were you?
It takes two hours to drive to Sacramento. Better hurry.
So sorry I’m late, I tried so hard to be on time, but the traffic.
I have to get there in time to meet my friend, he has to leave by four.

Time is often regarded as an adversary.

The Role of the Limbic Brain

Your limbic brain looks at time in a different way. It can function in a non-linear mode. The limbic brain perceives that every emotionally charged experience is happening continuously, and no matter how many highly charged events happen in your life, they are all perceived to be happening continuously, held in memory as simultaneous. They can burst unexpectedly into current time at any moment, whenever a similar situation occurs.

This twist of spiraling time can cause you to overreact unexpectedly to a situation in the present if it resonates with an emotional charge from an earlier time. Just as past and present emotional wounds run concurrently, so do joyous experiences. They, too, build upon each other, developing a system of positive expectations that can magnetize a wonderful reality.

The limbic brain has a “time-free zone” where it holds all of your emotional experiences in suspension. The experiences that are favorable and empowering are consistently available. They are resources for your creativity. Fortunately, the ones that are out of harmony can be processed and released, but until they are released, the signals from the limbic brain will continue to connect the unresolved emotions with uncomfortable effects in the physical body.

This could show up as enzyme repression, heart or circulatory changes, amino acid utilization disorders, immune suppression, muscle tension, emotional dysfunction, etc. In the same way, the impact of successful satisfying experiences reinforce the natural harmony of the physical body, giving it the stamina and resilience that can maintain it in optimal health.

Once a stressful incident has been resolved, it slips out of the frequency of the time-free zone. Then it can be permanently relegated to an inconspicuous past. The limbic memory reservoir is then free to reveal the positive emotional skills that could motivate you to rewrite your life script in a different way. From then on, you come from a place of choice.

If a memory happens to arouse allergic symptoms repeatedly upon contact with the triggering stimulus, then it follows that processing the charge and drawing it out of the time-free zone would end the allergy. In our experience at the Balancing Center, we have found that it does.

In the same way, the limbic time-free zone forms the basis for post traumatic stress syndrome. Any subsequent stimulus that is similar to the circumstances that initiated the trauma will repeatedly evoke the original response. The reaction would be likely to appear excessive in the context of current time, but knowing that it is coming up uncensored from the original context, probably with minimal modulating inhibitors, the incongruity with current time begins to make sense.

The trauma is still being held in the time-free zone, and reexperienced repeatedly because it is perceived as still happening. Post traumatic stress syndrome can be thought of as a “situational allergy,” and it can usually be released like any other allergy.

A Few Structures and Functions in the Limbic Brain

The limbic brain is a group of structures that lie below the cerebrum, the main part of the brain. As it receives the impression of an experience, it initiates a swift physical response to the emotions of the moment.


The Amygdalas

There are two amygdalas, two small pods at the end of each caudate nucleus of the basal ganglia. If there is a specific physical location for the “time-free zone,” it is probably there. The first limbic structure to recognize the vibration of an emotion is the amygdala.

The amygdala receives uninhibited emotions at their full intensity. If an overwhelming emotional impression fires up the amygdala beyond the capacity of your conscious mind to contain, inhibitory transmitters from the frontal lobe modulate the intensity, and tone it down. This allows you a margin of safety. The event won’t shock you so much that you go out of control. Your response can be spontaneous, forceful and powerful, and you are still able to choose the most effective way to express yourself.

The inhibitory protection in the frontal lobe is usually reliable, but not always. People do breach the boundaries of the frontal lobe modulators in certain situations, and override this protective mechanism. A direct impulse from the amygdala could be acted out as uncontrollable violence, vile crude language, overly effusive affection toward a casual acquaintance, or even criminal behavior.

The presence of toxins, heavy metals, and the effect of subtle brain damage due to vaccination, abuse, or injury could allow this. So can the temporary take-over of unfavorable spirit beings, particularly ones that come in with alcohol and drugs. Faulty transmitter circuits that create bi-polar mania, schizophrenia, or other imbalances, can also override the inhibitory modulators.

If the inhibiting circuits themselves are overloaded, in effect the amygdala can create a complete circuit-breaker. It can eject a conscious portion of the biofield so that it “splits out” under duress. After the amygdalas receive an emotional impulse, and after the impulse has been appropriately modified, then it is referred to the hypothalamus for instant conversion into a physical reaction. However, if the biofield actually does split out, the hypothalamus can’t receive it.


Limbic Brain



The hypothalamus is a tiny area just above the pituitary, with several nuclei floating in cerebro-spinal fluid. Each nucleus in the hypothalamus engages a specific emotion or function: fear, anger, grief, pleasure, hunger, thirst, water balance, sexual arousal, temperature regulation, etc. The applicable nucleus flashes emotional information out to the nervous system for a fast reaction, and down to the pituitary, where it is relayed to the other endocrine glands.

Hypothalamic signals can either throw the entire nervous system into fight and flight reactions, (sympathetic nervous system) or into a relaxed sense of enjoyment, (parasympathetic nervous system.) Whatever feelings are evoked by what you see, hear, or sense, your limbic connections will mobilize a congruent physical response.

Depending on which hypothalamic nucleus sends the signal, you will protect yourself, or you will laugh, or burst into tears, or eat something, or get a fever, or whatever the hypothalamus perceives to have been requested by the amygdalas.

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